Looking Back, Looking Forward

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by CalcoTiger, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. CalcoTiger

    CalcoTiger Live Long and Prosper IVI

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Congratulations on coming to Baton Rouge and winning. Your team deserved to win . They made the breaks and LSU didnt.

    A few points:

    LSU killed themselves with the Penalties, Fumbles, Interceptions,
    and those are things that happen if your not ready. If you have a fire in your belly you can overcome them. LSU didnt seem to have that fire Saturday.

    Matt Mauck on a option play on 4th down. Terrible. I think Matt is a good quarterback but he cant run out of sight in a week. Jimbo Fisher has called better games and will in the future.

    Better game plans with a week off to prepare. I wonder if too much recruiting and not enough game plan preparation. Just a thought.

    If we were going to lose an SEC game this is not a bad one. Florida is not going to win the east and if we take care of business within our West we hold our own destiny.

    Looking Forward:

    We need to get our heads up. Its not the end of the world.
    We have to start getting focused on a good South Carolina team with a good coach as well.

    Let this one go and learn from it. Get that fire back and give em hell Tigers.

    We were all dissapointed last week. Whether we lose the rest or win the rest or somewhere in between we are with you Tigers and just do your best. Thats all i ask from fans, players,coaches. Champions are people that come back from dissapointment and have heart.

    Things are not always going to go your way in life so when things go against you , you just have to dig a little deeper, keep a good attitude and never ever forget you have alot of fans that are behind you win or lose.

    Geaux Tigers
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    This team is going to be fine.

    I think the offensive line (poor run blocking) and the linebackers (missed asssignments) are going to get a lot of work this week. I think Jimbo Fisher is going to modify the offense as well. Florida knew our tendencies so they will be changed.

    The SEC champion may have 2 or 3 losses this year.

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