Look like a Tenn fan is trying to stir up some $hit with all of the SEC teams on our home slate this season. Florida Board http://mb15.scout.com/fufinsiderfrm5.showMessage?topicID=23099.topic Auburn Board http://mb25.scout.com/fauburnfrm2.showMessage?topicID=96215.topic Arkansas board http://mb5.scout.com/farkansasfansfrm1.showMessage?topicID=21517.topic For those of you who don't have a scout.com account (free BTW), here is his basic message. _________________ Vol777 What are the possibilities that the ___-LSU game will be moved from Baton Rouge to ___________? I know that UT fans are very concerned about going into the war zone that Baton Rouge is now. It doesn't appear things will change much in ___________ when the ________ are supposed to go there. We at UT have been disappointed by the inaction from our President & AD over this situation. We have also been disappointed SEC Commissioner Mike Slive hasn't taken strong action to move all of LSU's SEC home game to the away sites, since they can be made up by sending each team to LSU next year. I've always thought of (Insert AD name here) as being very proactive people. Are they doing anything to protect the welfare of ________ fans, as far as you know? __________________ Yes Vol777, I am sure that the SEC making LSU play all away SEC games this year would make you VERY happy, and is very just and fair. I mean, forget the fact thyat the Saints are currently in negotiations with LSU to play 3 home games. Baton Rouge is a war zone with rape and murdur abundant. :lol: :lol: :lol: This guy is unbelievable. I mean, Okay the Florida game....he might have an argument there (albit a small one), but he loses all semblance of sanity with his Arkansas post ________________________ Vol777 It doesn't appear things will change much in a little over 2 months when the Hawgs are supposed to go there _________________________ There you have it ladies and gentelmen, the great Vol777 has spoken :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Unfortunantly, he isn't the only Vol fan out there with less than half a brain. Anybody with some free time should head over to http://mb7.scout.com/fgridscapefrm1 (the Tenn message board, no registration required to veiw) to take care of the rest of them.
I don't know what those posts are about, but notice it's the guy's first post on each of those boards. All the Vols fans I know are very sympathetic to the situation in Louisiana and want life to return to normal as soon as possible for you guys. I haven't talked to one person who wants to change venues. In fact most of us were pretty surprised that the ASU game was moved to Tempe, but we trust the LSU officials to do what they feel is needed. The only concerns I have heard anyone mention is that accommodations for visiting fans will be extremely limited or non-existent; and some people who were planning to go to the game will probably stay home and watch on TV. Personally, I prefer to stomp the Tigers at home in Baton Rouge so that there are no excuses to taint our victory. :hihi:
I sure hope the game is played at Tiger Stadium. I've always wanted to see a game there and I've finally got a chance this year. The hurricane victims deserve first priority to aid and assistance, but hopefull by Nov. ( if not sooner) things can get back to "normal" ( if thats possible) around BR. Oh yeah best wishes this weekend, and for those of you making the trip to Tempe, be safe, and give em hell. Woopig.....
First and formost, thanks for the well wishes. Have you been over to Vol chat recently though Volmania? They have 4 or 5 threads alone on how horrible the situation here in BR is and how because we might not be able to accomidate 7,000 UT fans, 75,000 LSU fans should miss out on a home game.
Right because we're not already missing out on a home game and having our fans (you know, people actually affected by the disaster) getting totally screwed by another university.:dis:
He must be referring to going into Tiger Stadium. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :geauxtige LSU! :tigerhead :tigerhead
It sounds like something an Auburn fan would do. You sure this aint cadillacattack posing as a Vol fan?