This topic may have been overlooked last week with signing day and the Super Bowl going on. But, Logan Young was convicted and could serve up to 15 years and pay a $250,000 fine. Go to and read more about this. The funny thing I find is that even the Alabama press seem to act like Bama did nothing wrong. It's just incredible to me how even the media gets caught up in the delusion. When LSU basketball got busted for the Lester Earl deal, the media pounded LSU and rightfully so. But, not in Alabama, it's all Tennessee and Phat Phil Fulmer's fault that Logan Young was busted for buying Albert Means for $150K. :dis:
Well, I had noticed a resounding lack of boasting by Bama guys after Young was convicted after seeing many posts about how he was going to be exonerated and that a bunch of evidence was going to come out at this trial that actually pointed fingers at Fulmer instead of at Bama. They have been remarably silent of rivals boards.
Here are a few links: Sure glad LSU isn't involved in this mess.
I agree! But I would like to see the NCAA seriously look into the allegations of other schools involved!