What's your address? I'll post a flier on Plank road about a guy who doesn't give a crap about what goes on on his neighbor's property. Whore house, crack house, put your car on blocks in the front yard, sky's the limit! You'll have new neighbors in no time.
Fair enough. That still doesn't change the fact that HOA's have been policing personal property appearance for years. Again, not exactly sure what the difference is and why it is such a big deal all of a sudden. I hope you've never called the police on a neighbor making too much noise. I believe that would make you a hypocrite.
If anyone finds something like this, we have a house in our neighborhood (Highland Creek) that should literally be torn down; I don't think they have cut their yard in at least 3 years. On a brighter note, party at t10's neighbor's house, no noise complaints!
There are zoning laws and other city regulations that keep people from turning a neighborhood into a pig sty, thank goodness. This isn't a freedom of speech issue, it's a following-the-law thing. You don't have such a right, but We The People do. Hey . . . you're living that 5-student rental house on my block aren't you? Well, mow your friggin' grass and quit letting your drinking buddies park on the lawn. Get all of that busted up old furniture out of your driveway and buy some curtains, Geez. You are bringing down all of our property values and the old geezer around the corner that walks around with an air rifle is taking your landlord to small claims court. One of us doesn't.
My yard is pristine, Hoss . . . at least the front yard and the side yards. Now, a fellow can stack some junk in his back yard. The neighbors don't have to see it driving by.