I actually like this one. Keep your dang yard clean and keep my property value high! Giving the owner 15 days to clean it up is reasonable. I would think this would help w/ crime also. Cleaner neighborhood, less crime. I like it. I think I will bring it up at our next city council meeting.
When it comes to things like this I like to ask myself if I have the right to make another person do it. And if the answer is no. Then I cannot make my agent, the government, do it for me. Example, I have one car and the smiths' have two cars and the Jonhsons' have no cars. Do I have the right to go to the smiths' house and take one of their cars and give it to the Johnsons'. Well of course not that would be me stealing from the smiths'. So in this case the answer is no. Now lets apply it to this new law. I see the smith havent taken the garbage can in the garage. Do I have the right to go on their property and put their garbage can in their drive way? Of course not. That would be trespassing, so do I have the right to tell the government to tell them to do it for me. Of course not. Also if you want people to stand up for your rights then you need to stand up for their rights, for example if you neighbors like for you to have your lights out after nine but you dont get a chance to cook dinner before then because of work. Then would that be fair to you? Of course not. Some other important things to remember is that its their personal property and I dont have the right to tell other people to do on their own property. Thats what America was founded on. If you dont like when people do these things listed in the article you must take on the personal responsibility and find out for yourself if the people around you will live the way you want them to. You cant move in and start bossing people around. I hope you found this informative.:usaflagwa
Usually liberals say that about my post, but they say the same thing about the Constitution, so I wont lose any sleep.
Whats liberal about not wanting the gov. going around telling people how to live? In this case how to manage their property.
When a person starts to hurt (any any fashion) another person then we start have a problem. I for one like this new deal. What I don't like is the camera van.