Do you like the way they allow the player to announce the lineups now for college football, instead of just displaying their head shots and having the commentators introduce them? I personally like the old way.
Depends on the announcers, but since 90% of them are incompetent boobs, I'll stick with the players having some fun with it.
I think the announcers should just do it. More so than not, when a player does it, either he talks too damn much about adjectives discribing his teammate or he sounds like he's uncomfortable in his own skin. Either way, more so than not, we never get to hear/see the entire list of starters.
Hell NO!!! You can barely understand half of them anyway because they speaking that Damn Ebonics $hit.
Wow. I got red for that??? hmmmmm...and just like my explanation, whoever gave me negative didn't get a chance to introduce themselves. :dis:
I don't like it for the reasons listed in the above posts. In addition, just like the victory dances on the field, it will get worse as players try to out stupid each other.
I personally like the old way with announcers handling the introductions. I suspect that, like lots of changes in sports, they keep trying to make the entire game a media event, and not just a sport – players coming out in the fake smoke/fog, etc. I have to assume it is working or they wouldn’t keep adding these things. But I don’t think I’ll ever like it. ldskule:
Fine with me either way. When they choose a player to do it, they should pick one who speaks clearly. Sometimes, they speak a little fast and I miss some of the funnies...