We need to be worried bout the Hogs and be weary of the past, as in last year when we thought we had that game won, and just take care of business one game at a time. Its great to play the what if game and "oh lets see what would happen when we add this team here" but in the end it won't matter if we get ahead of ourselves and don't see the banana peel right under our feet!:geaux:
No offense to you pal, but I just get tired of hearing fans talk about this one game at a time non sense. We do not play the games. The players do. If fans weren't supposed to talk about and anticipate things the BCS poll would not even come out until the end of the season.
I understand that point that you made. Although the atmoshpere around campus, the newspaper reports that the players read all go into the game situation as far as the mind set of the players. If the players read about the fans and students putting all their hopes and dreams of seeing a LSU championship then that is just unwanted pressure on the players to not let down their friends and newly extended family. I do understand about us the fans not playing in these games but I did play once and I do know how it feels to have the pressure, of a small town that loves high school, put upon a young mans mind when he feels the towns expections are squarely on his shoulders.