At SEC media days - LSU Defensive Tackle Chad Lavalais On Preseason Polls "I talk to my friends on the team about it. It's good motivation. Basically, it's just pre-season hype and that's all. You have to step up and play the game no matter what they say. It's good to be a pre-season pick, but it's just hype." "I play my butt off all season, all four quarters. I get hit by 600 pounds every Saturday night. I have mud in my face, but win or lose, I walk out of there with a smile on my face." On LSU Fans "When everything is going good, it's loud. Our fans can be the best in the world. Our fans are great when we are doing solid. Nobody wants to come to Tiger stadium and play then. But when we are doing bad, you don't want to be there. It's tough to play when the fans are down on us." end of his comment---------------------- LSU fans need to do a better job of sticking by the team when things go bad. See, that's the sad truth about DV - and I guess there is some cred in what Bama fan and Aub fan has to say about DV. Lavalais put it perfectly. There is no tougher place to play than DV - when the team is plaing well. I really do not think LSU can lose in DV to anyone when LSU plays well. But if they play poorly or do not bring the A-game, the place is as dead as a doornail and a mediocre opponent can come out with a W. If i could change one thing about DV - it would be how we tend to start our hangovers in the second quarter of a game the Tigers are not playing well in.
Amen, I wish the beat the traffic fans would stay home. I never leave early no matter how big the point spread is in any given direction. Fairweather fans make me ill. If you aren't their for pregame don't come in. If you are going to leave before the 4th quarter stay home.
Show me a stadium that isn't quiet when the home team is playing poorly. It's just a bigger drop-off in Deaf Valley. Chad has never even played in Tiger stadium when the fans were REALLY down on the Tigers. During our 6-season losing streak in the 90's, the boo-ers were out big time. I hate to hear booing in Tiger Stadium. But I do recognize that the fans get frustrated and their only outlet is booing. Most of the booing was obviously directed at the coaches. These coaches are well-paid, professional grown men and if they are able to stand out there and accept the glory when they excell, then they must be able to take the boos when they coach poorly and the fans get down on them. But the players are young and they take it badly, especially since most of the booing comes from their peers in the student section. The crap Thomas Dunston took from the students was disgraceful and he ended up quitting. He wasn't Trev Faulk, but he was trying hard and didn't deserve it. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed at Lavalais. He isn't backing up his fans very well. He expects 100% support, no matter what. Don't we the fans deserve the same respect? He didn't need to make that statement to the national media. Most of us are screaming our asses off all game long. So he goes and disses us.
Basically questioning the loyalty of tiger fans wasn't the brightest thing to do. What purpose exactly did it serve? What stadium in America has cheering fans for you when your team is stinking up the field? If a game is well played and the effort is there then we should cheer and support our players regardless of the outcome. But, if the players are half-assin' it with little or no effort expect to hear it from the fans. This is big time, SEC, D-1 football here. There is alot at stake and emotions are high. I can't sit by mute watching a bunch of busted plays or blown coverage, and I'm damn sure not going to cheer about it.
the point is fellas that you should love the team no matter what the record is. IF your an LSU fan simply because they are winning and its the cool thing to do your no better than a bandwagon fan. BOOING does not help the team at all. If you wanna leave in the 4th quarter on the wrong end of the scoreboard stay home and give your ticket to some kid who othewise wouldn't see LSU play live. NOTE: if its raining and just outright miserable that is different and I would probably leave during game too and watch from a bar somewhere. IF I didn't have my trusty raincoat
Most of us do yell," GEAUX TIGERS!!!" It isn't easy for 90 thousand people in mass hysteria to cap all that passion. I personally scream in agony instead of booing. I ,still for the life of me, can't see why he said that on such big stage. It's not like some fan is going to have an epiphany upon hearing it. One thing it does do is reflect negatively on the fan base. Rightly or wrongly so, it will be percieved that way. Even after the skid at the end of last year all the tiger fans I know supported them and look forward to this year. The media day is supposed to be about positive viewpoints of the up coming season not about alienating some of your fanbase. Why say anything negative at all? Were the boo birds really that bad last year?
When the team is down that is when the , :geaux: , is needed the most. College football is a very emotional game. Cheers from 90,000 + can change to course of a game. It certainly can give the players a lift knowing the fans are behind them.
??? Lavalais comments rubbed me the wrong way. Negativity usually doesn't accomplish support. I think he could have come up with a better way to garner fan support through tough times. He comes across as a whiner to me.
Give me a break. :angry: You're telling me that these players practice 2-3 hours a day, watch tons of film and sit through meetings every day, and then in the 10 minutes of game action they half ass it and give no effort? No way. Just because another player on another team, who puts in just as much time and hard work as our players, gets the better of our player on a play or two, it doesn't mean that our player is putting out anything than his best effort. These guys have too much time invested doing hard work to be dogging it out there when it matters. And another thing, would you ever dog it at a job you love if you had 90,000 people watching, if that meant letting down 80+ of your co-workers and close friends that you had worked and perspired next to for the past few years, and if you would suffer embarassment by having somebody else do your job better in front of all those people? Didn't think so... I'll leave you with an outstanding quote from Teddy Roosevelt that can be applied to this topic: "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat." :lsug: :lsup: Geaux Tigers :lsup: :lsug: