It's the peak of dead season, and I thought it would be a good time to bring up last year's summer fashion item: Visors To be honest, I'm pretty surprised that the players haven't pushed harder for this. In the past, I figured that it was mostly because Saban didn't like them and that none of the players had the melons to say anything different. I wonder if Miles is opposed to them? Personally, I like 'em. A great player wearing a visor is an intemidating look--especially a LB or big RB. This is a rediculous topic, but there isn't much else to chat about right now. You know RP has to be Jonesing for the visor though.:thumb:
it doesn't really matter to me, a visor does sometimes make a player look a little intemidating though. But a QB (RP) would never wear a visor!
I don't like visors on an LSU helmet, like I didn't like the ridiculous knee or shin-high black socks they tried back in, what, 1995 in the opener vs. A&M. For some teams, with their colors, a visor "looks" right. They don't "look" right with, essentially, yellow/white/purple. Seriously, I thought this thread was about Les and is stupid trucker hat (and wearing a visor instead) at first. LM wearing a good-fitting visor. A guy can dream, can't he? :wink:
Joseph Addai looked extra intimadating when he wore a visor in the senior bowl. I like the look but it wouldn't bother me if we decided not to wear them because I know Jamarcus will go slap one on. We don't want that to happen.
If I was playing college ball theres no way I wouldnt wear a visor. I dont care how it looks, I rather just keep my eyes protected from the opposing team and the REFs with those flags. :hihi:
you would if one of our players got slashed in the eyes in a game and had to come out i dont like the yellow shades and the greenish shades some guys have, but i dont have a problem with the traditional white or tinted black
two points... One... Runningbacks gain an advantage by wearing a visor. Often you will see a runningback looking straight ahead until the snap... a visor allows the runningback to look around and check out the motion of the defense (especially where he plans to run) without giving away the play... Two... has anyone used yellow tented safety glasses at night? They brighten things up a bit.. whether this translates well to a football field at night, I dont know, but its somethign worth looking at with any player who has to catch a ball at night...