Pushing all the right buttons, and applying the hot iron to the rear ends of the defense when needed. I hope we have this great senior leadership every year, if not, it may not be a pleasant one. I"m just going by what we hear from the coaches every week.
That's the question. Are the players taking control or the coach. Like the offense, i don't even know anymore. It is nice to be 10-1, although that funny feeling just wont' go away. Better to complain then not, or the bad ole days may return. You dont' get anything when you don't say a word.
Well, I suppose it's a good thing we have a coach that encourages that... But I don't suppose we could give Miles that much credit.
Dude, you reallllly need to change that pic in your sig... whenever I see it in a thread, I lose all train of thought and forget what I was talking about... oh ****, it just now happened again. On second thought, she can stay! :grin:
It wouldn't be so bad if the pic was bigger. I keep having to squint and put my face real close to the screen to get a good look.