Wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or simply post this into the pregame Kentucky thread, but eh, merge it if need be! Who's going? I'm planning on making the long haul Friday morning. I took off of work, so there's no problem there. LSU could not have planned the fall holiday any better (starts Wednesday evening; school picks back up on Monday). Edit: Here's a link to the University of Kentucky's game day information. http://www.ukathletics.com/index.ph...nel_id=&url_article_id=20668&change_well_id=2
looking to make the trip from N.C. , but was wondering how hard it will be to get 2 tickets up there. Really dont want to end up in a KY hob-nob sec, cause when opposing team has the ball I yell as loud as I can before snap. My guess is that would not go over well in KY sec. :geauxtige :911:
Six of us are leaving out of New Orleans at 4am for the long drive. We'll be meeting up there with a nephew that lives in Knoxville. I heard the Blue Moon is the place to go at night. Where is the team staying at?
Going up on Thursday morning to see my parents who live an hour from Lexington. Then we'll be at the game screaming and yelling my lungs out.
Carface, I live in Kentucky and can't find tickets. Now THAT's frustrating. Should've bought 'em in the summer before the Big Blue fans out here starting acting like they care about football. Bummer.ldskule:
Im going up and sitting in the student section. My guess is I will be getting lonely by halftime when the game is a blow out.
I'm a pilot for AA in DFW and today I did a flight into Louisiville, as I came up to the gate you could not miss a multitude of Tiger fans in "battle gear". I turned my kitbag around so they could see my GIANT 2003 NC sticker and the "party" was on. Of course I had to make a PA at cruise to extend a special welcome aboard to the BEST college football fans in America on their way to see the #1 football team in the USA. I could hear the screams through the cockpit door. They are getting an early start!:lsup: :lsup:
Flying out of BTR tomorrow, hookin' up with the HATT Commish, Big Zuker, and a whole bunch of other crazy m-fers. We're rollin' Keeneland on Friday. According to the UK boards, even if you care nothing about the horses, it's a can't miss. Ott will be doing his show near the winner's circle.:geauxtige