You know it is ridiculous when even Tirk is critical of this team. Where is LSUsportsfreak now? Holt was right, what does it take to motivate these guys to win. Where is the heart? Kentucky is LAST place in the SEC.
I can take losing but I can't take losing to a fill-in pitcher who wasnt even scheduled to start. I hate the fact that in a near must-win game given all the cirncumstances they get blown out with their ace. Frustrating but with the DPs its gut-wrenching. Would be hard to hit into that many if they were trying.
I'm one that says you can't win them all and am also one who remembers all those years when we sat around and bitched like this during the regular season only to forget about the struggles when the team makes their usual late season tear through the post season, but come on. . . . .losing is one thing, it happens in baseball, but getting your ass handed to you by the last place team in the league when you should be making a title run? I just don't get it. And with Dirks, no less, who was looking like our ace until he picked up the Friday start. We've won the CWS before without winning the conference, but something has gotta change or making noise in the post season will be a pipe dream. Ole Miss up 1 to zip in the 8th.
sportsfreak is attacking me on the Tim thread. I haven't said a thing about Brady in a long time and don't have anything against him but yet he says I hate Brady. He says my posts spew hate but you should read mine compared to his. I'd challenge anyone to find anywhere where I said I hated or even showed in wording to where it made like I hated an individual. I am a little disappointed in the baseball team however they are still ranked and I'm hoping they can play a little better soon... :tigbas: :lsup:
What the hell does that have to do with this thread. Leave Brady out of my whining LSU baseball threads. Let me whine in peace. Now go.
It has to do with it because someone asked where sportsfreak was I told them where he was. I'm not whining but just stated what happened. Sorry!
yeah Tirk, I basically feel the same way. I made that post about the Ohio State parallel with this team. All the talent in the world, and mired in the middle of the SEC. I can handle not winning the SEC, but losing the the bottom dweller of the SEC like this is downright humiliating. How can you expect this team to be successful in the post season still palying like this?? I really don't feel sorry for the coaches not disciplining the team enough to get their heads screwed on straight. I think Smoke should take some heat for this poor showing REGARDLESS of the next two games outcomes. I feel they just expect to lose the first game.