Kenneth Massey is out. LSU stayed at #2. USC dropped to #4 letting a idle Ohio State pass them. It may be short lived. I would expect they would move back to #3 with a victory over Oregon State next week. The BCS gap is between LSU and USC is now down to 1.65 from 2.15 with Kenneth Massey and Saragrin released.
We need at least a 30 point move on USC tonight in the AP. Massey had LSU #2 first, I think you're right ... USC may move back ... but boy, would it be nice to see OSU beat their arses.
Wow, this is huge. A lot of predictions and calculations only have USC being one spot back in the invidual computer rankings. It will be really huge if more than one computer does this so that even with the dropped computer they still have a 4 in their average.
Again those are through games played 11/22. The rankings listed on the main page are not the ones used by the BCS. Look for yourself. Also, the Colley Matrix rankings are from last week too. Massey Rankings Colley Matrix