Kellen Winslow Is A PUNK..... And it is opinions like the one above that encourages people to tollerate classless behavior and accept it as "kids having fun" that have gotten society into the position it is in today. The simple truth of the matter is that Kellen Winslow's actions are self-promoting and thuggish. They have no place in team sports at all and there is no rationalization for it that can make his actions acceptable. Regarding Winslow's "Chosen One" comments, exactly who supposedly does he think chose him and for what specific purpose does he think he was "Chosen"? Like I said, Kellen Winslow is a Punk.
i never said he was a thug, because i don't think he is. He's never shown me anything that makes him look like a thug. The heisman thing was only for a sec and it looked like he wasn't being serious. His father, who I think K2 vaules the opinion of, did seem pleased he did that.
I wonder if his father is please about his interview where he said Miami was His team and that he is the Chosen one ?
Dingo His father frowned and dropped his head when jr did the pose. I do not think that it was ok with dad.
Another love to hate cane player, which is typical of there past players and very typical of there fan base! With that weak a.. conference they are in, they should meet up with KSU in the music city bowl at best. I am pulling for the Gators Big Time next week!
That's kind of what these message boards are about, we fans get to take shots at players/coaches/refs/mascots who do Stupid things...from the cheap seats, so to speak. I did think it looked badly "Planned" though.
Why would he do something as foolish as that. I mean if he chose a major, he just might have to attend some classes.