Watching the OU vs Texas game listening to this guy. I didn't know the QB could rotate. He said something else earlier questionable. Talking about the defensive pass interference on an interception play for OU. Jackson replied it might've happened earlier. Griese responded that it is usually called holding in that case. I really wish Keith Jackson would retire, he is looking like an ass more and more. I was thinking that college football lacks good announcers when it comes to the regular networks. I like the ESPN crew Ron Franklin and Mike Godfried, outside of these guys its horrible. So much for the Sooners #1 defense, it will be interesting to see if OU can beat Texas in this game, Texas seems to be much better but I have a feeling Mack Brown might find a way to lose this one!
I know he's slipping a little, but it will still be sad when he decides to hang em up. I've always associated his voice with college football.
Great voice, terrible announcer, always has been. My dad use to always say "Is he watching the same game as us?".
Best call I ever heard of his was a commercial "and the bride. . . a five-three debutant from Ahhlabama"
One he's famous for he claims he never made and that's the "Whoooaaaa Nellie." Over the years when I've seen him interviewed he appears to get pissed when asked about it. Of course, it helped make Chris Berman into the buffoon he is.