Another thumbs up is due Coach Miles for his long-view of the season in regard to his stable of talented running backs. First off, he makes sure that all of their hard work on the practice field, in the weight room, in the classroom is redeemed by granting them playing time. Now, most Tiger fans have believed for some time that Keiland Williams is the best of the bunch. And some fans, including myself, have been frustrated that Coach hasn't made Keiland a feature back, feeding him the ball twenty times a game or more. My guess is that Coach knows it's a long and grueling road to where the Tigers want to be. Giving our best back just ten to fifteen touches a game helps to ensure that come November, his legs are still fresh and ready to ramble as they did all over the Hokies last night. Also, have you noticed that Coach prefers to put Trindon Holliday in at tail back in the fourth quarters of games? Smart move. The opposing defense is tired. The last thing they want to chase after is a little squirt sweeping around the end at 10.02/100m. Good strategy, Coach. Keep it up.:tigerhead
yes. i think there is some masterful coaching and championship run strategy at play for LSU this year. i believe it is possible for CLM to do it this way because we have so much talent in depth. people have been asking all kinds of questions about the strategy on the field: why doesn't he play keiland more? why don't we see more of tolliver? why aren't there any long passes to doucet? why doesn't he play hester at fullback where he is so strong? my only question is: why don't we all have faith in Les Miles and Bo Pellini and Gary Crowton to use a strategy that works for the talent they have and keeps LSU on the path to the national championship? there is another thread talking about what a good leader les miles is and how his leadership encourages high leadership qualities in the other coaching staff and the players as well. we must be patient with coaching decisions, faithful to all that is LSU football, and relentless in our FANatical devotion to the Tigers. No matter the talent on the field, the salaried guys off the field are the ones who will lead those on the field to take us to the crystal football in new orleans.
This might help answer the question...
I think Miles is doing what :lsup: is paying him to do, and I think he is doing a great job. I am not sure they wanna chase after Trindon when they are at full strength, he could still out run them They are playing like a team, not one good player, but 11 good players on the field at the same time. Yep
KW looked good and I'm glad to see all of them get some reps. KW has real good speed and is fun to watch. But I'm glad Hester still gets a good many touches because he can make something out of nothing like nobody else on the team. If the hole closes up on him he still gets 4-5 yards out of the play it seems. I'm not willing to say give KW and CS all the RB touches because Hester is the best between the tackles runner we have. if he gets past the line of scrimmage he is guaranteed a 1st down because he gets 4 yards after the LB or safeties hit him. So I like the mixing it up with Hester, Scott, and Williams, with a sprinkel of Holiday. If Holiday can just sniff the corner he will get 10yards. But if you can seal the end and the LB's for a split second you better hope the safeties and db's are right there.
I could not agree with you more. However, I have stated that I would like to see Hester used at fullback too. That would put him and Williams in the same backfield. But you're right. You have to let the coaches coach.
Hester was used as a fullback in the game. Keiland has been nominated for USA Today player of the week: