Have you guys noticed Vincent when he runs? It looks like he is hitting the line and just going down and not even trying to break loose. I know that our O-Line hasn't dont the best of job, but Vincent just doesn't look the same. He should still be the starter no doubt about that, but Broussard needs to play more.
He is not getting adequate blocking. Our O-Line is getting beat. He is a crease runner, he doesnt have the power to bowl people over like Addai and Broussard, that is why they are doing well this season and he isnt. I think that LSU should move Addai to Tight End. Kind of a Robert Royal type situation. Anyone else agree ?
But you have Shyrone Carrey coming back to... 2 running backs riding the bench does us no good. Addai has proven to be able to catch the ball well, and a TE would be a good addition to our offense especially with Randall and his short screen passes.
We have David Jones and Demrtri Robinson, two very good TE's. If we move Addai to TE then we will just be putting 2 very good TE's on the bench so that would be doing us no good.
We have Tight ends and fullbacks that can catch. What do you do with these guys who are also blockers
Jimbo doesn't like TE's and I can't figure out why, it's just one of those things - they run routes, they get open, but they only see the ball come their way two or three times a game...
Robert Royal got passes, I just think these guys havent proven themselves on the catch and yac factors.
Yeah, I don't get that. It seems that we would try and hit out TE more with our young receivers but we don't. I just hope we can come out and just dominate MSU in every aspect of the game.