That doesn't rationalize why they have a dog on the sidelines when the nickname is the Volunteers. I know where Volunteers and the term Smokey comes from, the fact remains that just because the dogs name is Smokey doesn't make it an ok second mascot.
Didn't Tennessee used to have a guy running around in a coonskin cap if I'm not mistaken? I think it was even a part of their official logo. The dog is like a poor man's "Reveille" for Tennessee, like A & M.
Because they don't run around like a bunch of idiots yelling "War Damn Coondog" all the freakin' time.
No they just play "Rocky Top" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and again and again and again and again......:sob:
Far be it for me to agree with a warchickenfriedrice, but I think they have a point about the Tenn. mascot. What the hell does the dog have to do with anything? I dont know about you guys, but I am fired up about this weekend!!!! GEAUX TIGERS
LAME That Corndog thing is pretty Lame. If you are going to talk about another team you dont like by saying there fans smell like corndogs is pretty childish and weak smack.
Why do some of you LSU folks think Auburn is unique in having more than one "mascot." Why doesn't bama confuse you with Red Elephants and Crimson Tide? Why doesn't Ga. Tech confuse you with Yellow jackets and Rambling Wrecks? Why doesn't Georgia confuse you with Bulldogs and Rednecks? ooops couldn't resist that one. How is reference to Aubies as Plainsmen that much different than LSU folks being called Cajuns? Actually if you would read a little literature, namely Oliver Goldsmith's "Lovliest Village" you would learn where Auburn, Tigers, and loviliest Village come from. The War Eagle is a whole different story. War Eagle is our equivalent of bama's "roll tide". It just happens that there is a story behind the eagle and it's fun for us to have an actual eagle at the games to symbolize the war cry. Now have I made this crystal clear (LOL)?
We've been through this before: There are many other teams that have multiple names and different mascots. There are the official names and the ones that others coin for them. Some that come to mind: Georgia Tech: Official name is the Yellowjackets. Also known as the "Ramblin' Wreck". Their fight song even refers to the Ramblin' Wreck. Army: Official name is the Black Knights (I think). They have a black knight mascot. Also called the Cadets. Their mascot is a mule. Navy: Official name is the Midshipmen. Mascot is a goat. North Carolina: Officially known as the Tarheels. Mascot is a ram. Tennessee: Official name is the Volunteers. Mascot is a blue tick hound. Alabama: Official name is the Crimson Tide. Mascot is an elephant. Texas A&M: Official name is the Aggies. Their mascot is a miniature collie. Those are just the ones off the top of my head. I know you're just having some fun, though. I'm really looking forward to this Sat. night. It's just going to be a great game.
Well, I for one, am just glad that the mascots will be battling it out on the field Saturday night. I mean, who the hell cares about actual football anymore when you have people smoking cigars, some paint at midfield, band shows, and coaches with big ears...that's all that you guys care about anyway.