Eschew opiophobia. Opium has no equal for severe-pain management. Drug Prohibition is perpetuated by exaggerations, half-truths, and lies. Interestingly, both ethyl alcohol and heroin withdrawal symptoms peak in 72 hours. Delirium tremens is actually more unpleasant than the flu-like symptoms experienced during heroin withdrawal. The Drug War is a racket that benefits thugs and parasites on both sides of the law. Repeal Drug Prohibition tgsam
I'm not a wordseller. My message is intentionally straight for the jugular and viscerally informative. Going up against Drug Prohibition involves attacking an evil Institution. Institutions die hard. tgsam
Anyone interested in the whole truth about the Great Drug Persecution would do well acquire a copy of Dr. Thomas Szasz' OUR RIGHT TO DRUGS and subject it to critical thinking. tgsam
you have delivered this information in such a charming manner that i dont think anyone will be able to resist.
You obviously have agendas to promote, which is fine. However since you seem to be trying to convince folks of something, I would respectfully suggest you brush up on your written communication skills if you wish to have any success. As it stands I think you are wasting your time.
In politics and law, the whole truth is seldom charming. Every year in America, scores of thousands of Citizens are arrested when they have done nothing intrinsically criminal. This is just plain wrong. Cui bono? tgsam