sorry but clayton isn't a lock for the 1st round. reggie williams, roy williams, and rashaun woods will all go ahead of him. if fitzgerald comes out that is another one. if he comes out that means mike willaims can come out too and he would go ahead of clayton too. plus maybe bj johnson, lee evans and mark clayton might too.
Just because Fitzgerald comes out doesnt mean Mike Williams can. Fitzgerald is enough years removed from high school, he went to a prep school before enrolling at Pitt. Mike Williams is a true sophmore.
Right, Williams would have to sue the NFL in court to come out early, him Clarett can do it together.
Totally agreed. Too many wideouts with outstanding years that would go ahead of Clayton. This is a good thing. Clayton will stay.
I know it is a pipe dream but wouldn't it be nice if they all stayed ? I thing the above statement is referred to as "begging the question." But if I have to beg for them to stay I will.
I would be really surprised if Wilkerson, Clayton, or Spears leaves. Marquis Hill is making a big mistake if he leaves, but he seems to be the one who will probably leave. But this just opens the door for Kirston Pittman to shine. No worries here. The one player I would hate to lose the most is Corey Webster. I am just afraid that his stock has risen substantially, especially after the Sugar Bowl. Cover corners are the key to our defense, and if he stays, then LSU's defense will be just as dominating as last year, if not better. I say there is about a 20 percent chance that everyone stays. And a 60 percent chance that we lose only 1 player.
thats true but clarret is suing already. thing is clarret is the same as fitzgerald in there have been 3 nfl seasons since he grad. the rule says there must have been 3 seasons not 3 years. and if williams does come back clayton would still be the 2nd wr taken. and i doubt webster leaves. i read something a while back and he was the 3rd db and if he came out they said he would be late 2nd round.