Like FSU just did is going to cause a lot more mid field brawls as teams are getting more and more sensitive to it.
that was classless from a classless team, but lets remember that florida did the same thing to us this year.... thuggery seems to be pretty big in the state of and fsu are terrible
After the fight FSU started the jumping back up even though the only reason they could start it back up was because of a bunch of old men standing in between the two teams. I cannot believe Bowden would not get control of his team right after the fight and send them to the locker.
Classless!!! You just beat the home team with the help of the refs. Shake hands and get your butts in the lockeroom. Even after the fight, the FSU coaches were not getting their team off the field. What little bit of respect that I had left for FSU & the ACC just went out of the window. Those ACC officials were horrible!!!!
Jumping on the Losing team Logo... is uncalled for, much like over the top NFL stlye celebrations for TDs and tackles. Just play the game and earn respect with your on field play, not by calling attention to yourself. How many times this year have you seen a safety or CB hit a RB and then start his celebration while his teammates are scrambling to cover a fumble. A little off topic rant, but I feel it is just about the same as jumping on a mid field logo.
I agree. It is very classless and very disrespectful. Saban's team would never dare do something so stupid. Florida shouldnt've gotten so offended though, because they did the same thing to us this year. Jumping on the eye of the Tiger. Very disrespectul!
This is starting to happen more and more now and I think that this is just Childish stuff. Who cares if they stomp on the losing or winning teams logo? If I remember right Florida did it to us so they deserved it. Auburn wasn't very smart, they did it before a game against us and it helped serve motivation to beat them in that game. We are all old enough to take it and say who cares when a team or someone does this. Maybe it serves for motivation next time u play that team. But I say who cares?
Look for the SEC or the NCAA to make it a major rules violation, soon. Already if you do it before a game it is a unsportmanlike conduct penalty. Something will have to be done for such behavior after the game. Jumping on an opponents logo on the road is happening more and more and it causes trouble. It incited the crowd at the 2001 Auburn/LSU games into bad behavior. It caused a brawl today.