1. Bye bye Brady, bye bye Brady good bye. It sounds like a song.
  2. I for one can't wait for basketball season.:shock:
    Just to see what ace John Brady has up his sleeve.:thumb:
    Maybe Tack will come back!:lol: :eek:

    PS The Dynamic Duel will be Chris Johnson and Magnum Rolle inside.
    Almost sounds like a couple of gun manufacturers
  3. Or Condom manufacturers:

    Magnum Johnson Rolles
    1 person likes this.
  4. It might be so bad that we won't even make the NIT. Has that ever happened before?
  5. :rofl:

  6. Ummm...sarcasm?
  7. Or maybe its John Brady after he's pecked to death by the LSU Nation.
    People, I know of only one thing you can expect from John Brady.
    Inconsistency, you can expect some really good years with LSU basketball
    but their will be bad ones just to remind you how grateful you were through
    the good years.

    I'm stickin up for Brady here actually.
    Thanking him for reminding us how good we actually had it the last 2 years.:)
  8. I'm not too sure he'll feel that much heat. This is still a football school. This year was about as bad as it can get and I'm not really all that upset about it. If our football team had a year like that (no bowl at all?) there would be tremors felt around the state.
  9. Not this year.
  10. He'll feel the heat in the way of lost attendance. LSU fans only show up at the Pmac if we are winning.