Sorry I was in the mindset of my public option. Replace tax dollar with "my premium dollar". Uninsured non paying price shift.
Bottom line is Joe Wilson is a piece of shyt liar himself, who will be forever stained by his disrespectful outburst. Which he himself is the liar in this case. His outburst shouldnt surprise me after reading his history and other quotes from this disrespectful bastard.
the sad part is you are wrong. a large portion of the US and certainly his district and state will not think less of him but will build him up.
If only ole' Joe punched that prick in the face and them gave him one of these:wave:. Joe Wilson was only stating what is true. Obama is a liar and thats a FACT.
Nope sure didn't. Obama is and will always be a lying SOB. Joe could of kicked a baby seal in the head and he still would of gotten a standing O from me and many if he gave Obama the ole' one two. My point!! Obama= i didn't miss a God damn thing.
Dude, just let it go, your not helping your cause around here with your childish posts. Grow up and quit posting crap.
looks like jimmy carter is saying wilson is racist, and so is maureen dowd of the new york times. carter might genuinely believe it, because he is senile, but the new york times is just liberal and loves to play the race card at every opportunity. given that both political parties are terrible, at least you can count on republicans to cry racism less than the democrats, those pandering *******s.
Jimmuh never knows when to keep his senile old mouth shut. Dowd claims she heard Wilson say "you're a liar, boy". When Obama was elected, it was an opportunity to show that race relations were moving forward in this country but, apparently to many, if you disagree with Obama's policies it's because he's black. Obama's election is turning out to have been a step backwards in race relations.