Maybe there is hope for New Orleans. Now we just need to get rid of that clown Nagin. Too bad Landrieu gets another term. :dis:
So . . . southern white redneck confederate Louisiana has recently elected a woman governor, a woman senator, an Indian-American governor, and a Vietnamese Congressman. a few criminals, mentally challenged, etc. really make us an equal opportunity employer! Will stereotypes ever end for the South? I think Hollywood has a lot to do with that so will "Hollywood South" correct the problem or just make it worse? Some may not believe the impact Hollywood has but just watch the movies they make about southern California. You're led to believe that every woman is gorgeous, everything is new & clean, and that everyone has tons of money. Spend a few minutes on the beach there and you'll quickly figure out you've been suckered.
Hallaluha Trail. Never thought it would happen. And it was a republican that beat him. Amazing. However, I fear Cao will be a one-term congressman.