Jawja Fans

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by nolatiger, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. nolatiger

    nolatiger Founding Member

    Sep 9, 2002
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    These are the classiest people ever to visit Tiger Stadium. My seats were in EU 21, row W. Needless to say, I was a speck of gold in a sea of red. However, the fans around me we're great. Most were very friendly and knowledgeable. All were so excited to bear witness to such an incredible game and to take part in probably one of the best gameday experiences ever in football.
    We did have one clown get arrested by us. But he was letting the f-bomb fly way too much and he was pushing everybody around.

    Once the game started, the lines were drawn, and everybody shared as nicely as possible, that they hoped the dawgs would knock the snot out of our Tigers. I replied that I hoped the Tigers would send them home black blue and purple crying puppy dawg tears. From then on, my friend and I made it a point to be louder than the all the UGA fans around us. They thought we were nuts but appreciated the effort.
    It was great to notice, that up until the screen pass, Arizona, U-la M, and WIU, had all scored more points than UGA. Trust me, that was a great feeling that I wish I could have shared with more people. (Not a wise idea to blurt that out loud.) The UGA fans were a little defensive by that time. However, they were every bit as gracious in defeat as they were at the beginning of the game. I wish all of our visitors were as nice.

    After the game, many stuck around to talk football and just recover after such a emotionally draining game. Nice people. I am looking forward to visiting them next year in Athens.
  2. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    I told ya. :D :D :D :D

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