Hope this hasn't been posted. Just ran across it. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050811..._ULMxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
We all knew he wasn't gonna be a good pro anyway. It's amazing how all these winning colege QBs haven't made good pro's lately.
usually its lack of arm strength... college teams tend to run less of the deep outs that are popular in the NFL.
I feel for the guy and wish him all the luck in whatever he decides to do. It must be extremely hard for him to just walk away from his life long dream.
I think this is an exception to the rule. I really don't think that you can lump JW into that list. I think had he been healthy he might have actually made it in the NFL. He has a lot of talent, but just not the healthy body. I was actually rooting for him.
I agree totally. It's sad when guys with that much talent and ability can't play b/c of injuries. It especially sucks that his injuries came in college and not after a few years in the pros so he could've at least made some money.
I think he was he worst Heisman pick in history (well, maybe 2nd behind Terry Baker). He had great stats and the media latched onto him and Oklahoma, creating a monster. As it turned out, "The Greatest Team Ever" turned out to be the greatest in a very weak Big XII. Not unlike the Condoms, although Leinart has definite pro potential.
Not to bash the guy, but seriously. The knees weren't the only thing holding him back. I suspect arm didn't help, and the Deer-in-headlights-when-being-blitzed-after-the-2003-season didn't help. He's not completely outta luck though. Daddy White owns a construction company that the media had to remind us about every couple of hours. Best of luck to the guy and thanks for the memories. :crystal:
Lienart will be a professional flop... He has very good accuracy, but his arm strength is suspect... One of his recievers was quoted as saying that he dropped a pass in practice because he was so suprised that Lienart had actually thrown a spiral... He is a system in guy on a loaded team in a pass-first conference... his system left for Tennessee... lets see how he gets along with it...