Kudos to Steeler LB James Harrison for not letting his kids get a trophy unless they earn it http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-s...s-kids--participation-trophies-173803658.html
I have absolutely no problem with it when it is for young kids where standings are not kept. I coached my daughters' soccer teams in recreational leagues from 4-7. They didn't keep score (although the kids did). I used the "trophies" as an opportunity at the end of the year party to discuss with them the upcoming leagues and travel soccer where you would have to earn a trophy.
I like what he had to say. Society is creating too many pussies these days that expect everything to be handed to them.
They got that too, but to have the memento on the dresser was to encourage them to sign up again. I am not advocating it for older kids as I pointed out, but the girls really liked getting a girl kicking a soccer ball trophy. I didn't coach boys so haven't really thought about it.