In an article in today's Knoxville News-Sentinel Ja'Kouri Williams says that he is looking forward to TN's game against the Tigers on September 24. "When Coach Saban left, I was kind of disappointed," the Plaquemine, LA native said. "I really wanted to show him what he missed out on. There are a lot of folks down there that didn't give me the kind of respect that I deserved. Hopefully, I can prove them wrong when I go down there." Williams won't easily forget LSU's unwillingness to offer him a scholorship, especially by Saban,........... The article goes on to say he is now 190 lbs of muscle, is extremely fast...blah, blah, blah. What it doesn't state is that TN has a rep of wasting guys like him in the past. If the past repeats itself he will change positions 4-5 times and end up returning punts his senior year. Sounds like he really wanted to be a Tiger!:geauxtige :geauxtige
I watched Ja'Kouri play personally, and if he's now 190, then Barry Bonds really DIDN'T know he was putting on steroid cream...He might be about 175-180, if he's been a DEMON in the gym... It's like everyone saying Rick Clausen would report at 200 pounds after really hitting the weights...Rick & Casey COMBINED haven't hit 200 pounds yet... At any rate...back to Williams... He was an unbelievable athlete, and was only a 16 year old senior...He didn't turn 17 until October of his senior year...and he hadn't really finished developing from that standpoint yet. He also had a coach who absolutely, positively HATED LSU. He steered Anthony Thomas to Michigan, and Williams away from LSU...He had a history at Winnfield & while he's been at Plaquemine of anti-LSU influences, and it's also said that he's very good friends with the recruiting coordinator at the University of Michigan. Personal friends, I might add. After two years of undefeated records achieved by playing pansies in the regular season, only to be bounced out in the 1st round of the playoffs, the fans clamored for a tougher schedule to boost their playoff chances...They promptly came out and fell flat on their faces...But, against Baker, they ran up the score mercilessly, and I have totally and completely lost respect for their coach... He's vile...
Your pissed that the coach ran the score up on Baker? Less we forget that Baker caused themselves problems by having illegal players so I could care less who runs the score up on cheaters. Williams is a pretty dang good player. Both in Basketball and Football.
I haven't lived in Plaquemine for 3 years now(born and raised there), but isn't Don Jones still coaching there? I know he left somewhere's for a few seasons, then came back.
They didn't mean to so call "cheat", they overlooked a player who was there for too long, and when they found that out, they reported themselves.
Plaquemine had 5 unsportsmanlike penalties on Cecilia the year after we spanked them in the 95, i believe. They kept hitting Andy Chance late after the play, just trying to hurt him...and they finally knocked him out with a concussion that bothered him the rest of his college career, possibly keeping him from making good money in the pros. Good job, coach.
When did Baker stop being good? Being from Zachary, Baker used to give our football team the fits (should be noted that Baker is Zachary's biggest rival... rivalry in high school football, pshaw). But now that Zachary has a decent coach, though, they beat Baker soundly this past season.