Hello all my LSU buddies. I have missed chating with yall. It's almost that time again. I can't wait. As always, I enjoy this board and hope that you will welcome me back.
Give us a break, TravisCoTiger. Have you never missed a key when typing? Why don't you come back when you've acquired the manners of a second grader. What's the point in bashing someone who's being a friendly guest? We have to deal with enough flamers and jerks, I appreciate a decent poster. Darlin', you can chat with Red anytime. It's the off season and things are slow here. But football talk is starting up and fall practice is only 16 days away. Jump in on any ol' thread.
Red,coming from someone who seemingly defends Evangel and (somewhat) bashes a GREAT LSU quarterback (FROM METAIRIE!!) for opting to play pro baseball,don't you think you're being a bit hypersensitive for a self-professed curmudgeon?? I'm just messing with her for being an opposing fan and there's nothing else to it.Oh well,I guess at least two of you won't save my life one of these days!!
I think what Red was trying to do was set the tone for how we treat rival posters here. If someone is going to be respectful and civil (like Dixie), we should reply in a similar manner. However, if we get flamers trying to start something, then the gloves come off.
lsu99, you make my point in a less curmudgeonly fashion, thanks. I do believe we should be southern gentlemen to friendly rivals. We have a smack board for smack talk. TravisCoTiger, as critical as I've been of Evangel head coach Dunn, I don't think anybody there would call me pro-Evangel. I just don't think its in LSU's best interest to bad-mouth each and every player that ever played at Evangel, nor Evangel's fans. Dunn is personally responsible for the bad blood between Evangel and LSU, but he won't be there forever and Nick is making inroads that are important for LSU recruiting in Nawth Louisiana. There's talent in them there hills. And I never bashed Mike Miley, who was a fine QB that I enjoyed watching. I just stated the facts. He abandoned LSU his senior year which cost us a winning season because Charlie Mac had put in a new offense designed for his unique skills and he wasn't here to run it. If you were there at the time, you must remember how upset everybody was. If I'm hypersensitive to rudeness, I confess that I am. If you only intended to tease Dixie Darlin, you should throw in a wink or something . And I'll be the first to back you up when it's necessary to bash a real flamer (Bamafan03 comes to mind). Plus, I'd be proud to pull you out of the water, if you fall in fishin'. I know you're a proud Tiger...so am I.
TravisCoTiger......I have never been a hostile rival. I'm a friendly rival. I enjoyed this board so much last year I just wanted to come and talk with some old friends. Sorry about my typo. I teach algebra so I can't spell. You know math minded people can't spell!