From the website: Under this system, TAF season ticket holders with a TAF priority ranking from 1-100 will receive six tickets each, and TAF season ticket holders with a TAF ranking from 101-500 will receive four tickets each. Based on the number of tickets allocated to the TAF under this system, TAF season ticket holders with a TAF ranking from 501-2386 will receive two tickets each I'm in!!!! Anyone know the ticket price? Someone told be $175 per ticket. Are all seats the same price?
My brother-in-law is 2391, that sucks.. I have tickets in the East Upper. I had not chance in hell to get tickets.
What if some people don't pay for the Sugar Bowl tickets? They are expensive and there may be a few members who don't buy them. Would the next few TAF members start being contacted?
how many priority points does your brother-in-law have? I have 4.02 and I'm 2870. I'm also a junior, so I still have student tickets, MAYBE.
I just read no matter what I'm out. "For a TAF member to receive tickets, he or she must be a football season ticket holder."
I have season tickets...and I also am ranked at #3,773... I think the only thing I've ever donated was to Mike the Tiger's cage...