boise state single handedly put LSU in the BCS national championship game last year with a win AT Hawaii. yes, the same Hawaii team that has the referees help them win Home games. and boise state went in there and overcame Hawaii and the Officials to win. so petrino, we will be rooting against you in your bowl game
Maybe...maybe not. It woulda been thisclose had Hawaii won. It was Syracuse and my main f'ing man, Walter Reyes, and their win over Notre Dame that helped immensely. Wow, what a crazy day that was, one I'll never forget. Big ups to ya, Big Walt!! :thumb:
Eh, maybe youre just joking, but I have seen this too many times. Boise St. didnt single handedly do anything. The results were cumulative. Every game the entire season had just as much weight as that one. It just happened to be the last piece.