you're always too busy telling stories about yourself to notice. But yes one of them did, come to think of it. she asked me if I was serious right now. but not in that sense.
I'm sure you've never been serious in "that sense" right now--or ever. Perhaps you should date someone your own age. As for your first sentence, kma.
do your kids fall asleep in class while you drone on (name dropper)? young women tend to listen more. so theres a tradeoff.
i like to call people boss sometimes. it is the preferred sarcastic honorific of our time. anoher thing that seems to be current is saying "........really?" sarcastically in response to a stupid or unfortunate situation or statement.
I hate it when women call guys "dude". Especially when they are mad and it has a little added smartass tone to it.
I haven't heard "right now" yet. But I live in Morgan City, which hasn't quite caught up with the 21st century yet.
Nope, my kids say I'm a great story-teller, but what do they know? They're just kids--like your girlfriends, old timer.