Some of the brilliant Youtube comments: I really do enjoy when people attack our faith and call us ignorant yet can't spell or use proper grammar. Shoot, I was pro Huckabee in the primaries.
The Presidency is a political position and political/economic issues should definitely be a major factor in anyone's decision. But other issues, such as experience, values and background can also be very important. This lady seems to be operating totally out of her religion. Personally, I think there are other issues that are more important. I certainly do not agree with her statement that she cannot vote for someone with a middle eastern name. In addition, I don't know what Obama's father has to do with anything. But I certainly would not call this lady ignorant simply because she bases her decision on criteria different than my own. You might call her myopic, but not ignorant.
McCain, A moron? Please. I can understand why someone choses to vote for Obama over McCain, but let's at least try to maintain some semblance of reason.
So we have a woman who's letting her faith guide her decisions? How awful! How many people in this country will be voting for Obama because of his skin tone? How many will vote for McCain because of Obama's skin tone? There are lots of ignorant people out there, and they will, sadly, help decide the direction of our nation for the next 4 years, come next week. Many of them will make their decision based on much more foolish things than one woman's conception of which candidate is the more Christian.