Is this Bama's version of Lundy?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by SoLa in NoIll, Nov 14, 2002.

  1. SoLa in NoIll

    SoLa in NoIll Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Here is an article from Dateline Alabama regarding Tiger Stadium.

    At least this guy uses facts and real numbers, although like any argument using numbers, the side of the argument depends on which numbers you use. LSU's record in Tiger Stadium is certainly less than stellar prior to 1958. And, the legend of Tiger Stadium was not born until that year. I'd like to see the same list of schools with home records in the last 45 years. Hell, even his penultimate sentence diminishes his overall point. Oh well, just more bulletin board material, I guess.
  2. glenlivet12

    glenlivet12 Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2001
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    Whatever! I guess this guy has never been to baton Rouge for the game! Night games in Death Valley are certainly intimidating and the fans definitely make the visitors aware that they are THE VISITORS, THE ENEMY! The stupid statistics aside (remember there were some lean years for LSU included in those while other SEC teams were at the top of their game), this guy is just looking for a way to belittle the intimidation factor.

    I have to admit, Bama has been fortunate in their visits to Death Valley, but to say that LSU does not show a huge home field advantage there is a joke! Some times that advantage just isn't enough to overcome bad breaks, luck, a better prepared or more talented team, and with Saban at the helm, I expect the last two on this list will not be issues any more...Now Clemson's FAKE Death Valley is another story...
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'm going to be real mature about this.

    He's FAT!!!
  4. EastBankTiger

    EastBankTiger Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2002
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    I've yet to see a newspaper hack

    win or lose a football game. I didn't bother reading his column and if I had, I'd say the same thing that I did aout Lundy's in 2000 - SO WHAT? I honestly could care less about these guys. I found it amusing that Lundy took so much heat after TENN got beat in 2000. These guys don't play the games - it's not like we have to tailor our defenses to stop them. If you need to read a newspaper column to get excited for a game like this, you don't have a pulse. Real newspaper journalism died a long time ago. Most of the media now is untalented hacks that have no concept of checking facts or writing style, who merely write inflammatory hack pieces, hoping to get read and get lots of angry e--mails. Sorry, they're just not worth my time.
  5. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I know I shouldn't read those articles but I do it anyway. While yes all those numbers that he posts are factual and you can find them thru various sources. But you can take a set of stats like that and put a nice spin on them and make them look totally different. I am sure if an LSU Equivielent wrote a similar article he could pull up some stats that would have everything pointed the other way around. It's all about the spin you put on it.
  6. diehardLSUfan

    diehardLSUfan Founding Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    What a retard....

    Quick somebody tell the retard that it's last call at Krispy Kreme.
  7. MobileBengal

    MobileBengal Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Could someone please tell Fats "Where's the number for" Domino's that 1) No LSU fan would waste beer and 2) There are no cups of beer in Tiger Stadium.
  8. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I have a hard time with the catch phrase "Intimidating stadium". The stadium isn't pointing guns at its opponenets. The fans aren't armed, at least I hope not. lol. I find loud stadiums to be electrifying, fun, outstanding or eventful. Tiger Stadium is all of those things. It is a must go to stadium in the SEC. In many ways there is no other place like it in college football. There is no doubt that the place will be "Rockin" tomorrow night.

    Speaking of "Rockin" one of our players was interviewed by "Crimson Tradition" ,one of our premium sites, Triandos Luke remembers the bus ride to the stadium. “They were pelting the bus and rocking it when we got there,” remembered Luke. “I guess we can expect more of the same Saturday.” I have no problem with this. Talk about a fired up team when they get off the bus after a nice warm welcome. I would never expect any teams fans to be handing out milk and cookies to our team.

    I have my Bama gear all laid out, have my voice all tuned up. This is going to be a good one.
  9. eric d

    eric d Founding Member

    Aug 8, 2002
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    "Many will argue that there are really two different Tiger Stadiums ? when LSU is playing at night with white jerseys on, and the rest of the time. Certainly giving 90,000 Cajuns all day long to drink beer and whiskey makes Tiger Stadium as loud as it is big, but if I want loud and big, I?ll hang out with my younger brother "

    Exactly how fat is this family that he is the smaller brother?
    Furthermore, he should study the numbers of the Charlie Mac years since that is when much of that was born.

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