Is there any way we can stem this tide?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Macphisto, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. Macphisto

    Macphisto Founding Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    The announcer just said "there's no doubt...back to back national champions...", and I fear we will hear that for years now...

    So is there anything we can do about that? All I can do is just keep reminding people who really won last year. Remind people that USC is a BCS contract school. Don't let ABC or ESPN (BCS contract networks) call them two timers. Wear your national championship gear (I sure did on my vacation to Los Angeles this summer).

    This is me just grasping at straws trying to tell myself everything will be OK, but goddamn, I just can't take it anymore. Seriously. They're trying to bury our national championship. They're even asking about threepeats.

    Can we get a :eek:lefire: logo but with USC?
  2. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    Nov 17, 2003
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    The goal for LSU each year now is what?

    To win the National Championship.

    LSU has a favorable schedule this upcoming year. Being 100% optimistic, I can see LSU goign to the BCS Championship Game.

    LSU may even face USC in that game. LSU puts a nail in the coffin and buries USC's chances at a "three-peat".

    By the way, do I owe Pat Riley any money for using the term three-peat?

    LSU won the official BCS championship and there is NOTHING that can ever take away the PRIDE and JOY that I had when they accomplished this feat. LSU, MY TEAM, won the biggest prize in college football last year and this tiger fan is STILL happy about it.

    As for USC currently being called repeat or back to back national champions.. Guess what, they are. They were voted champion in one of two major polls that have determined the national champion for decades upon decades now. Live with it.... but you don't have to like it. Most of us don't. :thumb:
  3. Chip82

    Chip82 Founding Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    The SEC is getting snubbed...Big Time!

    Now USC is claiming that they are undisputed National Champions this year, while Auburn is exactly in the same situation that USC was in a year ago.

    And ABC made it sound like USC was the only champion last season.

    Politics aside, the liberal media can't even keep bias out of their college football broadcasting booths.

    A playoff system is BADLY needed!
  4. philter

    philter Founding Member

    Jan 21, 2004
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    How we stem it is win another one for ourselves. If we win it next year, they'll be saying "LSU has won its 2nd NC in 3 years".
  5. Dirt Dog

    Dirt Dog Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    I'm sure the "Back2Back" title will be hard to stop. It's like trying to sweep back the Atlantic Ocean with a broom. Impossible.

    Just hope that :lsup: 's NC last year doesn't go forgotten (outside of the Tiger's fan base) just b/c of this.

    ....unless we win another one!
  6. Berge

    Berge Founding Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    Amazingly, that would add up to 4 national championships in 3 years.... :confused: :confused: :confused: I could have swore I learned something about that in Calculus...
  7. Macphisto

    Macphisto Founding Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    Now, my family and I are pretty liberal, but even my dad was saying the southern sports writers should give Auburn the #1 spot, and my mom cited "California..." as the reason the sportscasters kept calling USC B2B NC. So I'll have to hesitantly agree with you there!
  8. bubbafong

    bubbafong Founding Member

    Aug 5, 2004
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    I know some of you may not like me saying this, but I'm going to say it anyway. I honestly don't think LSU will win another national championship for a while. In fact, I don't think they'll win another one for about 365 days. I know, I know. That seems like forever, but I think it's just how it is, and we're just going to have to live with it. Sometimes reality is hard to take, but let's try to stay positive, alright?
  9. uscpuke

    uscpuke Founding Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    There is nothing you can do to stem the tide. Just wait until next year when these pricks continue to be adored and hyped, and a preseason #1 is a shoo-in. Couple that with ASU losing Walter, Cal losing Rogers and Arrington (?), OSU losing Anderson and no other program being worth a sh!t and USC should run the table again.
  10. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    The system if really set up right now for a team like usc or utah to run the table and try to get in the title game... they play in **** conferences, while teams int he big ten, acc, sec, big 12, and even the BIG EAST have to play good conference teams, so it is very unlikely they will come through unscathed.

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