while White attended the awards, he stated to a small LSU crowd that OU was going to hang 40 points on LSU?
I heard that also, I don't know if its actually true. I hope it is, it will be great chalk board material and more motivation to beat the Hell out of OU.
Hopefully they will keep those stupid comments rollin in. Kinda reminds me of the Auburn game this year.
LSU would have to roll over and play dead for ANYONE to put 40 points on us. Remember, most points scored against the TIGERS were on our subs and I doubt if the subs get any playing time in this game.
If you guys think White actually said that I have 30 acres of ocean front property I own in Kenticky that I will sell for a smidgeon of it's real worth.
cajdav1 you must be the sooner version of our Ramah. I didn't say that White said it. I asked if there is any truth to it. I don't believe any of the others here said he made that statement either. They only provided an opinion if he did say it.
I don't think it was said by cajdav1 that you said that Jason said anything about what was said that you heard was said. I think he said that if you believed what was said (not saying you said it) that he had a special real estate deal he would like to offer you which includes property with water frontage in a state with none (not sure how he worked that one out). Anyway, that was what I thought was said. Not sure what Jason said though!
JLMSOONER...go work on your material...and while you're at it, don't quit your dayjob just yet... ;-)
First off, I'm a Tiger born, bread and till I die. I was just joking about the absurdity of the rumor of him saying that. If a player in this game makes a remark like that it will be on the T.V. quick, real quick.