I was wondering where I could find some of the pregame cheers (you know, the vulgar, rude, insensitive, cadence we shout drunken at gate 7) I know we have the best (others say worst) fans in the nation and I am trying to prove that by printing up some cheer lyrics. Any help.
funny We had the same dude walking around in bars when I was in school. You know the old guy that is always there and I told myself I would never be that dude... and I am not. that is funny
I like "We eat pizza" the best The end comes out of no where and suprises everyone for a good laugh. Also alot of people like to join in on rip rip rip. P.S. I doubt that there is any "orginaization" to speak of that comes up with the cheers. If you want I can type a couple out for you if you want.
yeah the chants at the gate are really lame and not funny or exciting at all...a waste of valuable energy if u ask me.