Is There a ‘Right’ to Health Care?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by tirk, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Dalrymple: There Is No ‘Right’ to Health Care -

  2. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Nope, but if we're going to waste billions I'd like to see more people benefit from it...
  3. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    How about we stop wasting billions? Are you willing to let "more people benefit" if it means you will do without? At the very least, those of us who have worked hard our entire life and played by the rules are going to end up with something that is nowhere near as good as what we have now.

    I would like to choose who I sacrifice for (family, close friends) not be told that I must sacrifice for the greater good of a bunch of worthless POS scabs that do nothing to benefit society while at the same time living off society's labor.

    No one has given me anything. I haven't asked for anything. I earned what I have and I continue to earn it each day I decide to go out and contribute. The people that have the most to gain from socialized healthcare are the ones that contribute the least to society.

    I say **** them.
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  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    but the british health care system has given them such fantastic teeth
  5. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    here is where i differ with that. children.

    children are at the mercy of the adults in their lives to provide them with health care. if an adult is going to be worthless and as a result goes without health care that is (for the most part) a decision. (i say most part because one has to take into account those that are mentally ill and unable to work, such as those with a schizophrenia.)

    however, children are unable to make that decision and to care for themselves. i believe basic health care should be a right for minors so that (hopoefully) their parents will do the right thing and get them health care when needed. children that are healthy are more likely to do better in school (just as studies have shown that children that are not chronically hungry do better in school) and are going to be less likely to contract or pass diseases on to other children around them.

    i just dont think we should make innocent children pay for the actions of adults in their lives. it benefits society as a whole to give them a better start toward being healthy productive adults in order to give them some sort of chance at breaking the poverty cycle.
  6. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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  7. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    If getting a decent education is a right that all enjoy in this country, then health care is at least as important. If we can figure out how to educate everyone for 12 years, we can figure out how to care for folks when they get sick.

    We saw in the other thread that Germany, Switzerland, Canada and France cover all of their people at about 10% of GDP, and the US is spending 17% and leaving uncovered 1 out of 6 people. We can do better.

    We won't do better for folks that currently have the best care, they will have to give something up, and the folks with no care will get better care. I think there will be a private healthcare system for the rich that are willing to pay for it, and there will probably be private ins. policies you can buy and get extra care if you can afford it. I read that England has a small private system for the rich.

    I will come out a little worse off, probably, and I'm ok with that.
  8. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    You are crazy. Here's an idea...if you think they have it so freaking good in those places you mentioned then move your ass there.

    Every number you posted is crap. "1 out of 6" Where did you pull that BS number from? There may be 10 million people in this country that desires healthcare but doesn't have it....and any of them can go to an emergency room at any hospital and receive acute care. That's 10 million out of over 300 million...which is nowhere near 1/6.

    I'm glad you're willing to sacrifice...good for you. I'm not willing. If you choose to give it's charity. If it's taken from you against your will it's theft.

    I'm not rich and I have pretty good health insurance. Why? Because I worked my ass off for years to get to where I am at in my career. I waited until I could support a wife before I got married. My wife and I waited until we could financially support our children before having kids. I go to work everyday and try to be as productive as possible and ensure my employees are productive so that my company can make a profit. My company rewards me with the privilege of paying a portion of my healthcare cost.

    Also Mr "Nose In The Air Because I'm So Socially Conscious", our tax funded education system literally stinks. I mean it really sucks. How can you defend a public subsidy by using public education as an example? That's simply laughable. :rofl:

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  9. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    I'm a realist.

    Odds are FAR greater that we get a better healthcare product from Washington than they reduce our taxes. The only people that can change that are the ones least motivated to do so. Toss that out the window because it's NEVER going to happen. The best we can hope for is to maintain the status quo in the amount of taxes we pay for as long as possible.

    This is the way I see it: No, healthcare's not a right. However, for what we pay in taxes I better start seeing some benefits. Universal Healthcare would be a step in that direction. It's going to require cuts in Medicare/Medicaid and the healthcare industry is going to have to get on board, both seemingly insurmountable tasks.

    I'm just playing the odds. We're stuck with the taxes.
  10. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    You don't listen too well. Where did you hear me say they had it so good? I said they cover all of their people at 10% of GDP and we spend 17% and leave out 1 out of 6. At the best, there care is not as good as ours at its best. At our worst, our care to uncovered people is MUCH WORSE than theirs.

    Clearly you are not informed and you are the one who does not know what you are talking about.

    NCHC | Facts About Healthcare - Health Insurance Coverage

    A lot of people work hard, including me. A lot of folks that don't have health insurance are not bad people, they're just unlucky. They had an illness, lost their job, and since that's how you usually get your health insurance, they can no longer afford a proper treatment for their condition. That sucks.

    Why do you say I have my nose in the air? I have simply tried to state the facts, and back them up with generally available news reports from reputable sources, which you generally fail to do. You seem to resort to name calling because you have no facts to support your opinions. Of course the main opinion you have voiced is that you can't be bothered to think of anyone but yourself when it comes to healthcare.

    Los Angeles accuses hospital giant of dumping homeless patients in Skid Row -

    So much for getting acute care when you need it, just dump them on Skid Row in their gown and slippers.
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