Surely The Apocalypse is near. Perusing several boards I have seen LSU and Auburn fans joining hands in agreement over opinions of $aban and a bunch of SEC fans wanting to come to BR this Fall and cheer for LSU when bama comes to town. Times do change.
No, they really don't. Everyone doesn't like Bama. Last time I checked, no one likes Bama, aside from it's mother- and even then, that's a strained relationship.
Yep, it's that whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" business for one thing. Also, LSU and AU have ruled the West for years (w/ brief interludes by Arky sprinkled in)'s in neither school's interest to have a resurgent Bama to mess with that arrangement.
Bama is your friend, Barners suck Bama is your friend, Barners suck Bama is your friend, Barners suck Bama is your friend, Barners suck Relax, look at the light and remember Bama is your friend, Barners suck Bama is your friend, Barners suck Bama is your friend, Barners suck
And for the iron bowl, would have to pull for an automatic disqualification of both teams netting in all of their wins that year becoming null and void....leaving only us on top.