Is it just me or does our forum have a much better sense of humor than the other fan forums. Could be just cause we're #1 and winning but somehow I don't think so.
Winning makes it easy, but some of us keep our sense of humor even when we are losing, but that does seem like a long time ago. Enjoy it while its here. These are the 'good ole days'. :hihi:
People from Louisiana are all around good people. That's why. Florida, not so much (I'm allowed to say this because I was born in Pensacola )
You'd think Floridians would be happier. What is it about Louisiana. I've been over here for quite a while. I've met alot of people from alot of places. No one is as funny as the people from Louisiana. I see it when I visit my family and then come back out here. Everyone here says I have a great sense of humor. I guess it's just engrained in every Louisianian to have a good sense of humor.
Well I for one cannot remember the last game I went to that the tigers lost. It might have been 6 years ago. I am in a good mood. I will stay in a good mood until we lose. Maybe we will never lose, and I will be the happiest person in the world.