Is anyone here taping the Ole Miss game on Saturday? I have done a search on my dish, but it is not gonna show it here in Mississippi. I would love to have a copy of the game if any one can make me one.
lsufaninmiss, i know i'm changing the subject, but i thought you would like this.....i'm coming down for the game Sat from Atl. I usually go through Mobile, but instead am going over through Meridian and Hattiesburg just to fly P and G through most of Miss. :lol: lefire: :geauxtige
TigerVision restricts broadcast to only the state of LA for some games. Sucks doesn't it?:hihi: On a side note, I'll have a free radio stream ready for those who need it. Be here around noon on Sat. for a link.
Tigervision has always been offered on ESPN Gameplan for out-of-staters. Don't know why it would be any different this week.
You are right. Late last week they said it would not be available on ESPN but it is now.
according to the ESPN game plan of today it is not listed. For some reason, I dont think they have all the games on there. Will keep everyone posted if i see it posted. I personally dont think this a$$ whipping of lefire: is worth $34.50.