I still can't believe that we are National Champions! It does suck that USC has stolen and I mean stolen a split of the national championship. I know it has been said time and time again, but we agreed before the season to certain rules...I'll save you the rest! Is anybody else excited about the release of NCAA Football 2005 for PS2?!?!!? I can't wait to see how good LSU will be. It is going to be great to use them online and talk some trash. I can't wait. I just wonder who they are going to put at QB if Mauke leaves!
I had a conversation about this very thing about an hour ago. Im sure Russell will be the starter if Mauck is gone. The thing that I am most excited about is the team speed. Every year, they short change LSU players' speed. Hopefully this time, they will be adequately rated.
I completely agree. I can't wait to see what they list Clayton as if he returns and rushing with Spears is going to be a blast. Another big deal is going to be how talented out defensive backfield is going to be. It is going to be awesome!
I'm not as convinced Russell will be the starter. I was living in south alabama up until last year and saw plenty of his games. He has great physical tools and can throw the pig a MILE. But, he doesnt look off his first choice very well and was prone to bone headed decisions like Randall showed last year. I think from most observers point of view, Flynn was further ahead on learning the offense. We'll see though because if Russell can turn that talent into smart playmaking....OMG...LOOK OUT!