Well the old Ipod bit the dust today. It's less than 6 months old, when you turn it on it displays the www.apple support .com page and has a little fron smiley next it it...... :shock: :bncry: what gives?
go to the website for Apple and it will tell you what that means. sounds like your hard drive is done. Drop it lately?
Just got my iPod, 30 gig video. It's pretty sweet. Anybody know if it is possible to get videos not from iTunes on it?
Just shipped both of my kids' Nanos to Apple to fix. We paid shipping but sounds like they will replace. Both just locked up an ceased working. Went tot he apple site and tried everythng but nothing worked. My children (13 and 11) love them. Lots of expensive accessories to go with them.
Never owned one and because of this commercial that wont go away I doubt I ever will. [MEDIA]http://youtube.com/watch?v=8qP79rRzzh4[/MEDIA]
I've never seen that one. Maybe it's regional? Or did you see it online? Bought a few i-dogs for nieces. Lawd. Had to buy the purses to carry them with and the outfits they wear. :dis:
If you are not fully sold on the iPod - check out the Sirius Stiletto - you may like it more. http://www.sirius.com/servlet/Conte...s/CachedPage&c=ProductAsset&cid=1158082417240