I'm mad as hell, and I'm not taking it anymore...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerEducated, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    You guys, I have finally had it...

    Bertman has been on a kick for two years straight now about improving our "allegedly" bad behavior towards other fans...

    Now, we get this story in the Reveille about this guy Wideman's treatment at this out and out almost riot in Oxford on early Saturday morning between what law enforcement officials estimated to be 2,000 fans of Ole Miss and LSU...

    With Bertman's very public and very high profile response to these reports from other fans, I sat down this morning and wrote him an e-mail DEMANDING an inquiry on his and Chancellor Emmert's behalf into the goings on early Saturday morning in Oxford.

    Reports indicate that representatives of at least four different Mississippi law enforcement agencies were on hand and at least once participated in showing a racist attitude and was arresting "only Coonasses"...

    I have copy and pasted Bertman's e-mail that I composed just now, and I am also giving you some other information via a link...

    I hope Brett doens't mind me mentioning it, but I write for a blog that covers college football, named www.fanblogs.com. The front page, and the sec section (www.fanblogs.com/sec) also deals with this same subject, from my editorial point of view. This is a national website that anyone around the nation will now see.

    A fellow contributor from the site also linked his own commentary on the unfortunate incident at http://blog.lordsutch.com/?entryid=927...

    He also linked a story from the Oxford Eagle...http://www.oxfordeagle.com/news1.html

    This quotes the law enforcement that was on hand for the incident...

    Reading all of these accounts and viewpoints, I think my e-mail sent to Bertman (which I wrote before reading anything other than Wideman's account) is still on target...

    I will update www.Tigerforums.com on this potentially ugly incident...

    What follows is my e-mail to Skip...


    My name is Gary, & I'm writing to you this morning in regards to an article that you've no doubt already been made aware of. It's from a sportswriter from the Reveille named Wideman. You can look at it by clicking here---->http://www.lsureveille.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/11/24/3fc19ea8881b5.

    With your ardent campaign against bad sportsmanship the past two years here in Baton Rouge, I am appalled that evidently, the fans-as well as LAW ENFORCEMENT-in Oxford participate in this disgusting manner.

    In light of your very public stance and attempts to quell LSU fan's bad behavior, with substantiated and published proof of this violent behavior on the part of Ole Miss fans, as well as the active participation and support of said behavior by local law enforcement, an official inquiry should be made upon your and Chancellor Emmert's behalf with the University of Mississippi.

    Beyond simple bad behavior on the part of their fans, the actions of the gathered law enforcement can be described in no other manner other than complicit participants. As well as outright racism being displayed, this situation is as frightening as it is unhealthy for any fan of our University to be exposed to. The aforementioned inquiry should also be extended to include the law enforcement officials who were on duty in the area on the night of Friday, November 21st, 2003.

    This incident calls for prompt attention in a formal manner on your part. In light of your own campaign, to maintain any credibility when it comes to this subject, you-as the lightning rod for this campaign-must follow up on this incident.

    I look forward to hearing your response.

    Gary M. O'Neal, Jr.
  2. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    So a few Ole Miss white players called Lavalais and Spears the "N" word, trying to get them to fight or throw a punch and get kicked out the game ... please ... SO WHAT. It is a reflection of their players and their coach. Bulletin board material for next year. Lavalais won't name any names." Shortly thereafter, defensive end Marcus Spears confirmed Lavalais' story. He said he heard the slurs as well. Spears said though the comments made him upset on the field, he understands the bigger picture.

    "It's one of those things where very few are like that so you just have to look past it," Spears said.



    Gary, you could take a Lesson from Mr. Spears.

    Let it go!

    I don't expect you to accept this, but rolling around in and slinging the "MUD" ... does nobody any good. Just my spin on it.
  3. tigerlaw

    tigerlaw Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    ramah, I think you need to re-read TE's post.
  4. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Ramah...We're talking two different subjects, my friend...

    Whether you ignore the racism or not, complicit attitudes and mentioning that they aren't doing anything to opposing fans who are inciting and/or adding fuel to the fires is something that's just unacceptable...

    Holding you responsible for something someone else is responsible for...That's not racism, that's called unethical, and criminally corrupt behavior on the part of whoever was saying or acting in that way...

    I have never mentioned the on the field racial slurs. Those are an animal unto themselves, and have nothing to do with paid public servants who are sworn to "serve and protect" and then hide behind that badge to spew out epithets and use heavy handed and not even handed law enforcement tactics...

    I won't stand for ANY law enforcement agency acting in a complicit, duplicitous manner. Say what you want...

    I also find it odd that you have never taken Bertman to task for not "letting it just roll of his back" when he received reports of poor fan behavior on the part of LSU fans...

    You continue to put forth a "constructive criticism" facade when it comes to addressing me, but it's painfully transparent that you your arrogance and condescension makes you totally overlook and ignore common logic in an attempt to make yourself look superior.

    I won't stop you, but trust me, you're reaching here...and it doesn't look pretty...
  5. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    Ok, I'll say what I want. I've covered the Football portion ... and Mr. Spears did too ... magnificently

    Now, relative to Oxford Law Enforcement tactics in handling College FB rowdies, hooligans and innocent bystanders ... again

    What can be done about it?

    So, worst case ... a couple of Mississippi Good Ole Boy Cops exceeded their bounds and acted improperly during arrests.

    This is the equivalent of a ------------------------>Fart in Church
    It's gonna get covered up ... no matter what happens ... and you know it ... the cops responsible will get a slap on the wrist and a backroom wink.

    Again, with mud rassling pigs, sooner or later you realize the PIGS (LOL) enjoy it. Nothing to do but keep our own house clean.

    Bertman's gonna file your e-mail in File 13 ... the waste basket.

    Do you have a DETAILED ....

    Lessons Learned in your e-mail

    A root cause analysis

    A corrective and preventive measure recommendation.

    What do you expect Bertie to do?
  6. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I expect Bertman to pursue the people in Oxford for treating LSU fans poorly, the University, and representatives from the State of Mississippi as vociferously as he has pursued the simple LSU fans who were "alleged" to have treated other SEC fans poorly.

    The main point is that #1, their law enforcement acted inappropriate, and no matter how they treat it, I want our leadership to investigate opposing fans and their law enforcement with the same careful eye as they treat LSU fans and grill LSU fans with here in such an embarassing manner.

    The other point is that Bertman is in a position now where he will have to lie down in his bed he has made. There aren't just "allegations" against LSU fans, which has been all that's necessary for him to go off in a tizzy about LSU needing to treat fans with more respect...

    There are printed, published, and documented incidents where LSU fans were treated poorly...

    Bertman will now be forced to show whether or not he is as concerned about LSU fans and their well-being as he is worried about other fans and their well being.

    In other words, I have thought that this whole over reaction to our behavior to other fans when they travel to Baton Rouge is overblown. From day 1. Skip has been the guy leading the charge. It's ridiculous.

    Now, we have a MUCH more serious situation in which LSU fans were treated poorly, and it's not just "alleged" it's PROVEN to have occurred...

    I want to see how quick he is to jump up and take up full page ads in the Advocate about how he's appalled at this behavior in Mississippi...

    In other words...I'm painting a picture, and you're complaining about the colors I'm using before you can figure out what I'm trying to paint...

    The e-mail is as sarcastic towards Bertman as it is serious. His own ridiculous stand is what should force him to act even-handedly and investigate this, in other words...

    You aren't much on the uptake, are you?
  7. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    Just putting myself in Bertie's shoes. Ok, I'm Bertie. I read this and I say ... Your point #1 is a Civil Matter ... and they were out late night ... drinking ... I'll allude to this next time I'm at an SEC Conference ... get placed on the agenda for open discussion ...

    Remember, we're all TEAM, LSU, Ole Miss, Aub, etc ... TEAM SEC

    Next problem?

    That's what will happen.

    Now, it blew me away the Times Picayyune article today about racism. It's just an unneeded distraction to the players at this time.
  8. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Oxford Police Department reported 60 tickets, 38 arrests and 12 wrecks this weekend.

    Sounds like Andy and Barney were pretty busy this weekend. I'll
    bet they even had to deputize Otis, Gomer, and Floyd.
  9. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    TE and ramah, I know how to settle this rift between you two.

    Hell in the Cell match....WWE style. steel chairs, thumbtacks, sledgehammers, tables, ladders...anything goes. last man out wins.

    good luck, and God bless.
  10. Uncle Gus

    Uncle Gus Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    Looser leaves town match......

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