My brother-in-law just called. He got 2 tix and was nice enough to invite me. I'm thrilled. Best Christmas present that I could get! Sorry to start a new thread on this but there is a method to my any of you know of a decent hotel that has rooms available at a fair cost?
I am not sure if any availible but for $200 per night we are staying at the Whitney Wyndham. On Poydras(sp?) a few blocks from the Dome.
My buddy got a room at the St. Vincent guest house which is like 16 blocks from the Dome. The pictures don't look that bad. He only paid $89 for one night.
Bhelm, that hotel is right in front of my office building. Its only 3 or 4 floors and is very nice. It is on Poydras St. between St Charles Ave and Camp St.
Call the Drury, often overlooked, very nice, 4 blocks from the dome. We got one 2 weeks before the National Championship game, probably still have rooms. Yep, they still have rooms available. Chuck :tigerhead
I hate you.... :angry: ...ok, I really don't hate you (that feeling is reserved for Auburn)--but I'm extremely jealous! :thumb:
I ended up getting a room at the Wyndham Whitney. Only single king beds were available. It cost $232.65 after taxes ($205 before taxes) and it is about 1 mile away from the Dome on Poydras. Seems like they have a fair amount of rooms available. Thanks for the heads up fellas!