You know who you are. All you Miles kiss-asses. SF, Parso, RED, NoLimit, and the rest of you morons. I hate to say I told you so, but.... I can't wait to hear you explain this. But let me give ya'll the TRUE explanation of what happened last night. A PHUCKING IDIOT of a coach and SOME of his staff. LSU looked like they did against Ark. How in the blue hell can a coach not get his team up for the freakin SECCG? They looked like a bunch of scared little girls last night. I've been saying it all year, and it came to a head last night. I hope you all are happy with this year, cause I guaran-damn-tee you it will be the best year under Miles. And Im tired of hearing, "Well, Saban did less with the same team last year." BULLSH!T. LSU had a SH!TLOAD of first year starters on offense last year. So you expect mistakes. But, making the same mistakes this year under the same offensive scheme is rediculous. Plus add all the STUPID penelties this team makes..Miles is clueless and for all you who disagree, well you know what I think.
Which is funny, because nobody cares. Please note: Spell check and/or schooling -- both are wonderful things!
how did nick saban did his first year buddy??? everyone was calling for his head too. why don't you go to skip bertman and put in an application for a head coaching staff since you seem to know exactly what to do
Another moron. Saban had NO talent his first year, especially not the talent LSU has now. Check your post next time before you submit it so it at least looks like you have an education.
It starts....I may be alone in this but since when is 10-2 a bad season? Especially for a first year coach. They had a stat last night during the game that said there has only been 2 other coaches that have won the SECCG in their first season. That doesn't really automatically label CLM a failure in my book. At least he got us there.