Why is a freshman WR from Texas Tech leading the nation in receptions per game, receiving yards per game, and touchdowns? And why is he a Sports Illustrated midseason all-American? http://web1.ncaa.org/d1mfb/natlRank.jsp?year=2007&div=4&rpt=IA_playerrec_catches&site=org http://web1.ncaa.org/d1mfb/natlRank.jsp?year=2007&div=4&rpt=IA_playerrec_yards&site=org http://web1.ncaa.org/d1mfb/natlRank.jsp?year=2007&div=4&rpt=IA_playerscoring&site=org http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/football/ncaa/midseason.all.americans/index.html
And because he is in a "system" that gets him the ball quickly in open space. against soft defense so far this year....it's simply pitch and catch, nothing more.
But Terrance Toliver was a higher rated prospect than Michael Crabtree ... http://rivals100.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?Sport=1&pr_key=39601 http://rivals100.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?Sport=1&pr_key=43493
It's Texas Tech. They throw like a billion times a game. He's bound to catch a few of them. Also Tech has so far played the powerhouses Southern Methodist, Rice, UTEP, Northwestern St., Oklahoma St., Iowa St. and Texas A&M. Those teams' names alone put fear in the hearts of their opponents.
Hmm.. What a convenient argument. Could it be because the toughest game they've had yet was a 2 loss Texas A&M team? You tryin to tell me that if LSU played powerhouses the likes of Southern Methodist, UTEP, RICE, Northwestern State, Iowa State, Baylor, Colorado, etc... that we wouldn't be significantly better in the passing game? Nice try. I'd sure enjoy that schedule.. Then again, ask Texas Tech how they feel if the win out the rest of the season and still end up in the Billy Bob's Bait Shop and Transmission Service Bowl.