By the way, for those freaking out over the canard of Jindal being an abortion extremist, you need a course in COMPREHENSION. He said he BELIEVES that such abortions are wrong. BUt, to COMPREHEND the WHOLE TRUTH, you must also read that JD sez Jindal sez
(Hallelujah....Hallelujah.....Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Halle-leeeee-lujah!) LOL...Poor JD has nothing else to gripe about now...I didn't even see that quote before I responded to his strawman "lesser of two evils" comparison of the two candidates... Now, you have it on authority, and can SKEWER Jindal by using his own words later, if he turns around and acts and wastes taxpayer money...I doubt he will, and you do too, though... JD...Are you seriously going to base your vote on the fact that Blanco will "do no harm" to this state? I'm sorry, but with all due respect, we need SOMEONE to do SOMETHING...
Tuwho? Watch and learn, my friend....The budget had a HUGE hole in it before Washington let loose the pursestrings to help us fill our gap (They did it for MANY states in a budget crisis this past year)... DC told the states then that the 11th hour bailout would not come again...and we're not producing any type of new tax revenue that will help replace that big gap when DC's $ isn't there to fill it anymore... Whoever is Governor is going to have a titanic budget mess...Which is why with Jindal's budget experience, I'd vote for him site unseen. He'll right our ship in no time, I assure you.
Wish some of that economic good news would make it's way to North Louisiana. We could use some up here.
That's what the Duke boys were saying, Iko - he can never send blacks back to Africa, so don't worry about it. Same logic you put forth here - I shouldn't worry about his official position, as it is poltiically and legaly impossible. It's the principle. Second, the Crowley Mafia??? Hmm, Iko, did you notice that ED MICHAEL REGGIE donated 5K to Jindal? Wanna try that one again? You sound almost as silly as TE with his vote buying - UNTIL BOLD and SOUL support Republicans. And TE, waiting for Jindal solution number 1. Still haven't heard one. And speaking of Reggie, does he still own the state's largest PPO? And donating to "health care ideas man" Jindal? Hmmmmmm. Well, so much for health care reform if Jindal gets elected.
Shreveport/Bossier is doing a good job, but I have no desire to live there once I get out of school. Economic times are hard everywhere else up in my neck of the woods. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, along the I-20 corridor from Minden to Vicksburg, MS (with the possible exception of the Ruston area) is either dead or dying. If it weren't for poultry and timber, there would be no economy in North Louisiana. When's the last time any of you visited Monroe? The downtown area looks like a freakin' ghost town. Show me a candidate who's gonna do something about THAT!
I like shreveport Always had a nice time when doing audits up there many years ago. I heard they closed down the Bossier strip - the sleaziest bunch of strip joints in America
The local churches and religious groups of Caddo/Bossier forcefully mobilized against strip clubs and other "questionable establishments" back in the early '90s, and they continue to this day. Sometimes they win (the successful cleanup of the Bossier strip and a renewal of the downtown area of that city) and sometimes they lose (their unsuccessful fight against legalized gambling and the Deja Vu Club that located in downtown Shreveport a couple of years back) but their impact has been for the most part been positive there. There you go, JD. Proof that folks of deep religious conviction often can make a POSITIVE impact in politics.