who would you vote for if you could vote for anyone? any senator, any politician, any businessman? i really like bush a lot, so i am not all that dissatisfied. i would be fine with dick cheney or colin powell. my favorite politician of all is rudy giuliani, and i think he would be a spectacular leader as president. i know it is an overused word, but i really see him as sort of a heroic figure. from other professions i am trying to think of others i respect. if i could elect a reporter president it would be john stossel. this guy is all about capitalism. if i had to vote for an entertainer i would vote for dennis miller. bob dole is super cool too, i wish he had been elected. what other people besides bush are acceptable republicans? democrats? non-politicians?
LOL, I would vote for myself!!!! Or Nick Saban for sure...... I would like to see John McCain run for pres actually
george will, that is a smart choice. a few years ago i bought one of his books for 1$ on the street and i really liked it. i respect john mccain, and he seems like one of the more honest people in government, however, i hate him for his silly work in campaign finance reform. i heard a rumor that john kerry may consider him for VP. that would be interesting. that rumor probably isnt true. i thought i heard somewhere that nick saban is a democrat?
McCain would be acceptable except for one big thing. He has consistently sponsored and voted for legislation to restrict our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Alan Keyes... He is the best speaker I have ever heard. The man is simply brilliant and truly conservative.