If we make it. Who's going to the Rose?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Mudvayne, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. kappa8062

    kappa8062 Founding Member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    Well if you try to apply for the game and are going alone, try applying for two and if yo uget them you are more than welcome to stay with me and my pops and brother. My brother is 14 and since i would like him to come, but ya my over goes out to any student, assuming they are cool.

    And mac, if you or anyone needs a transcript i can supply one to, lol. I feel like i broke some trust with the people that read these things. If my gf wasn't looking over my shoulder trying to help me make a point about going to all the games, i would have left it as a junior, i have 70 hours right now which is in between i think. ANyways sorry for the mix up.
  2. TigerNtz

    TigerNtz Ridley

    Feb 12, 2006
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    You can edit your posts... (though you may not be able to if you arent a contributor...not sure). Thanks for the invite, but Ive already got a place to stay... at a friends who happens to live in pasadena!

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